Transitioning from High School to College can seem unthinkable to many, but what you don’t realize is the future endeavors you will encounter. College is a new experience for many students, especially first generation college students who are the first in their family to attend college.
This is an important milestone and you should be very proud of yourself. Not knowing what to expect in college or who to reach out for tips can be difficult. But don't worry, I am going to explain to you the 5 Tips on how to confidently transition from high school to college.
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Tip 1: Relax and feel confident!
I know how nervous or excited you must be that you are going to be enrolled in college. Walking through the lecture halls or preparing yourself mentally to be that straight A student. One of the biggest tips I recommend is to feel relaxed and feel confident. When you're feeling confident you tend to excel.
Tip 2: Have your materials.
Bring some highlighters, erasers, pencils and pens. One important lesson is not to write everything in pencil. Have some pens or highlighters to emphasize important information!
Sticky notes can be your next best friends. They are great for reminders, or to emphasize the main points you have discussed in your lecture.
Tip 3: Go to Office Hours
Going to your professors office hours is fundamentally important if you are not understanding the material or want to go over questions, exams or quizzes. More than likely they are waiting for students to come to their office hours. You may realize that your professor is more than happy to assist you. It’s important to take that step and reach out for help.
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Tip 5: Stay hydrated and eat breakfast.
Never skip breakfast! Breakfast is an important meal of the day especially if you are looking to engage in the content early in the morning. But not just any breakfast, having a healthy breakfast is key to making your body strong. If you have morning classes, especially STEM subjects then you want to make sure your brain is awake and not feeling sleepy. Having a successful morning will most likely make you more alert throughout the day.
Staying hydrated with liquid is another important factor to being focused. We lose electrolytes when we sweat so you want to make sure you replenish your electrolytes especially when you're running and speeding across campus to get to your class on time. Staying hydrated and eating breakfast is definitely important.
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